There are always specific traits that make a person holding a particular position great and efficient.

One such position is that of a creative art director.

It is one of the most impressive, prestigious positions any artist can hold. However, it takes a lot to become successful and you must be willing to give more than you are getting back.

A creative art director exists in so many fields. This includes but is not limited to graphic design, advertising, film production among others. An art director position is one of those plum jobs so many people could kill to have.

This position gives you a wider scope to expend your inherent talent in so many ways. It is one of those safe places to impact society without being a loud thunder.

Unlike being a practicing artist, this is a position that executes well based on merit. If you are aspiring to occupy such a position, in the long run, we have a couple of titbits that might perhaps help you to get there. Keep scrolling down to find out how to become a creative art director.

What is an Art Director?

First things first. We need to find out who an art director is before we dive into the sundae of the cake which is how to become…

An art director varies from organization to organization. It is therefore hard to define what this plum position is all about. It is such a broad topic that goes on for days. But to quickly summarize, an art director is a person who manages a team of creative artists in a given organization.

What Does it Take to Become a Creative Art Director?

As mentioned above, it takes a lot. You must be born a leader to break through the thick ice of being an art director. You need to inspire the artists under your management to become more creative. You need to meticulously guide the vision of a given project and have a trained eye to identify raw talent. You need to be wary of the environment around you and sniff out the undiscovered talent!

You need to stay woke throughout.

7 Tips on Becoming a Successful Creative Art Director

You have been contemplating on becoming an art director but somehow, you can’t quite seem to break through the glass ceiling. Perhaps, there is something minor you keep missing in your trials. Feel free to compare what you have been down against our invaluable tips and you might be surprised to find out what you have been overlooking.

1.    Have Your Bachelor’s Degree

We are living in a world where education is the key. Without proper qualifications, you can barely stand a chance. Every organization worth its salt will always recruit a creative art director with a minimum bachelor’s degree. Have a bachelor’s degree in any field you are passionate about. Some of them include advertising, graphic design, fine arts, film production among others.

2.    Do Your Internship

This is the final bridge for every student in any field before entering the job market. Find an internship in the related field of your course. Make very good use of this time. This is a perfect place where you start building a portfolio of work experience. You must give your best to get outstanding recommendations. Ensure that by the end of your internship period, you are well equipped to face the real job with less supervision.

3.    Get a Job as a Full-Time Artist

No one has ever built a house from the top downwards. You are not about to be the first one. You need to lay your foundation from the ground level and that includes becoming a junior full-time artist. It might not be as prestigious as you want it to be but consider it the breaking ground. Learn everything you need to learn at this level. Being an art creative director requires at least 3 years of experience. Start from the ground and hone artistic skills because when you are at the top, your team will rely on you.

4.    Build Your Portfolio

Ensure that your portfolio is up to scratch at any given moment. Be like a hunter woke for a kill. Show the best of your work in your portfolio. Indicate how you have beautifully executed ideas and brought and suggested unique solutions. If you have such an impressive portfolio, no director or manager would not want to groom you for bigger things.

5.    Apply for Promotions

When you finally feel that your skills are sharp enough, efficient and you can be relied on- go forth and apply for those promotions. Don’t stay on one mountain for too long. You need to be progressive and aggressive. If you show that you are driven, someone will eventually notice and endorse you for a promotion. Keep your ears on the ground for any open positions with a higher grade than yours.

6.    Be Confident and Open to Feedback

It was once said that anyone who does not accept corrections is a fool. You are most likely to get some backlash instead of constructive feedback and corrections at the beginning of your career. Don’t let that deter you but rather look at the bigger picture. You must also be confident to give and receive feedback. Take critique as a piece of cake. It doesn’t matter how it is served. Use it as a tool to sharpen your skills and a place to heave yourself to the top.

7.    Get Close to Directors

Your surroundings determine what you become. Try as much as possible to strike up friendships with directors and other people above your grade. Let the friendship be in and out of the office. Theolin once advised; hound your heroes and ask to meet them. Go ahead and do just exactly that. Such people can talk about themselves for days on end. Pick up their brains and run away with their wealth of knowledge.

In Conclusion

As it is, it is not rocket science to become a creative director. All you really need is to just put your best foot forward and forge sustainable friendships. Not friendships to gain favors but friendships to draw from a wealthy well of knowledge